It's easy to let the week get by without having family worship. It is very important that we teach our children about God on a daily basis. Here is a very practical guide to use. Access and print it
In this guide, Jay Younts suggests that family worship should consist of at least six elements:
• Bible reading and Bible study
• Bible Interpretation (teaching about the Bible passages read)
• Praise/Singing
• Prayer
• The Gospel
• Scripture Memory
Younts states,
"In Psalm 78:4 we read: We will not hide them from their children; we will
tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, his power and the
wonders he has done.
Also notice Deuteronomy 11:19: Teach them to your children, talking about them
when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and
when you get up.
Clearly these two passages teach Bible's direction that children are to be taught
by their parents about the things of God. Doing this in an organized, regular
fashion shows a commitment by the parents to the importance of Scripture.
When at all possible, it is vital that the father take the active role in leading the
family worship time. This place of religious instruction is given to him by God in
Ephesians 6:4. Fathers who take this responsibility seriously not only strengthen
their own families but their churches as well. Men who lead their families well are
those who will lead their churches well. In addition, having a regular family
worship program will help prepare your children for participation in corporate
worship. To have regular family worship a time should be set aside each day for
this purpose. When you first start, don’t try to do too much! To start – brief is
best. Once you become comfortable with this practice, the time for family worship
may reach 20 minutes and will often be more."
Get a bible, a few songs, and don't forget the kids!