Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Excellent Wife

This is a must read for all women today. Martha Peace gives a detailed, Scripturally based description of a godly wife in this book. Here is an excerpt:

"All people are naturally selfish. They come into this world selfish. It does not take a long period of time of observation to realize that a baby is only concerned about himself. Toddlers look out for themselves as they fight over toys and their mother's attention. Teenagers are renowned for being self-absorbed and putting themselves first. Adults, unfortunately, are not much better. In fact, Americans as a rule yearn to have their needs met, to feel good about themselves, and to protect their rights.

In our hedonistic, narcissistic culture it is revolutionary to hear someone say, "Deny yourself." "Put others first." Yet, this is exactly what God tells us to do ... in regards to earthy relationships, you must put your husband first. In regards to your relationship with God, se your heart on glorifying God whether you ever have your way or not.

"Do nothing from selfish or empty conceit, but with humility of mind let each of you regard one another as more important than himself." Philippians 2:3

Plainly and simply put, the wife is to show love to her husband by putting her husband first. She should think, "Love does not seek its own (way)..." (I Corinthians 13:5)... As she prefers her husband and "puts on" love, she will be loving her husband instead of being selfish.
...You are to be unselfish even if he is always selfish. Remember that you do not have to feel "led" to be unselfish, you just have to do it.

...Any time someone has a philosophy of life that is based on "my needs" (self), they are likely to fall into the trap of being unloving, selfish, vain, or proud. Consider the Apostle Paul or the Lord Jesus Christ. Neither one had their "needs" to be loved by everyone met, yet they continued to show love to God and to others. Their focus was on what God wanted them to do. That was their joy and hence their satisfaction. We, on the other hand, are naturally lovers of ourselves. If you are struggling with being unloving and having a wrong view of love, perhaps you are longing for the wrong kind of love. Hence, there is an idol in your heart."

I encourage you to read it, apply it to your life and pray that God will change you by His grace!



Jill said...

As usual Tonya, geat post. What's challenging to me (even though you didn't ask) is that I'm supposed to my husband first OVER my kids. I get so wrapped in in them that John usually gets the leftovers. But God is working on me - hallelujah!!

Tera said...

Thanks for the encouragement, Tonya. I have the book (Thanks, Jill!) but I haven't read it completely.