Friday, March 13, 2009

Use Biblical Language with your Children

Here is an excerpt from the Women Discipling Women Conference, speaker Alyssa Buck:
Use biblical language with your children. Call sin, sin. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness;so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.

If your child lies, use the word lie. God says that a person who tells lies is a liar, not a fibber, but a liar. Your child does not tell fibs, he tells lies. Instead of telling your child to listen to you, tell your child to obey you. Obedience is required by God and should be expected from your child. When you say to your child,"That was good listening Billy", you have missed an opportunity to teach him what is biblical and right. If your child child is being disrespectful, don't say,"Betty, those are not nice words to call mommy." Say, "Betty, you are being disrespectful and you are not honoring mommy with your words. How does God require you to talk to mommy and daddy?" When you ask this question of your child, you can take her right to the Word of Gd and show her from Scripture what God requires. This is how you teach the gospel, your child again can see that she fails to obey God's law and needs a Savior. Call sin what the Bible calls sin. Here are some examples, there are many more.

Biblical Word/ Unbliblical Word
Lie/ Fib
Angry/ Frustrated or tantrum
Obey or Disobey/ Not listening
Kind/ Nice
Complaining or grumbling/ Whine or Fuss
Disrespect or Dishonor/ Don't talk to me like that
Selfish/ Not sharing
Tale barer/ tattle tale
Perverse/ bad language
Lazy/ I understand you're too tired
Idle/ Bored
Foolish/ Silly
Prideful/ Stubborn

Always give biblical truth to your children. When the dog dies do not tell your 2 year old that she will see Buddy in heaven. Tell her that Buddy does not have soul and that God only created people with souls. Use this kind of an opportunity to teach truth. Ask her who created people and animals. Teach her that God created us with a physical body and a soul. The soul lives forever but the body dies. The soul lives forever in heaven or in hell. Who is in heaven? How can we be with God in heaven? What separates us from God? Why do we need a Savior? How are we reconciled to God? The gospel can always be explained in any and every circumstance!
If your child fears one of his parents dying, don't tell him you won't die, talk about death and what it means to be a believer. Don't miss precious opportunities!


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