Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Eternal Life

Isn't it encouraging to find out that someone has been praying for you? It is wonderful to have someone tell you that they have been going to the throne of grace on your behalf. As great as this may be, it is even more wonderful to actually listen to someone pray for you. To actually walk in on such a prayer.

Well, in John 17 we have the privilege of walking in on just such a prayer. But it is no ordinary prayer. It is a prayer between members of the Godhead!

As you read through John 17, here is a simple outline: 1-5 Christ prays for Himself, 6-19 Christ prays for the disciples, and 20-26 Christ prays for all believers. John 17 is truly amazing stuff.

I simply want to look at 17:3
"This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent."

So, what is eternal life?

Many times we only think of eternal life in its future aspect(Matt 19:29, Mark 10:30, Lk 18:30). We only think of it as life with God everlastingly. This is true, but is only part of the truth. Yes, there is a futuristic aspect of eternal life of which we would do good to think about daily. As a matter of fact, when the puritan Richard Baxter was going through some physical difficulties at a point later in his life and was asked how he was able to endure, he replied that he would spend thirty minutes per day thinking about heaven. That is good counsel for all of us.

But what about the other aspect of eternal life? The second aspect of eternal life is what we experience immediately when we are brought into a relationship with Christ. It is the aspect that Christ is speaking of in 17:3. This aspect is also mentioned throughout Scripture (John 3:15, 16, 36; 5:24, 39; etc . . .).

So, presently we have the blessing of, as Jesus put it, knowing God and Jesus Christ. That is how Jesus defined eternal life.

What does "know" actually mean?

There are actually three different aspects of knowing. They are as follows:
  1. A knowledge of recognition. If you were to ask me if I knew President Bush I would say yes. But I only recognize who you are referring to.
  2. A knowledge of superficial recognition. If you were to ask me if I knew, say, Wayne Mack, I would again say yes. But this time I could say that I have met him. I have even had dinner with him. I have read several of his books. Etc. . . etc.
  3. A knowledge of intimacy. Now if you were to ask me if I knew my wife. Well I know her on an entirely different level. I know the details of what she thinks and how she reacts etc. . . etc.
It is this third aspect of knowledge that Jesus is referring to in John 17:3. We, the sinful, self-serving individuals that we are, are actually called into an intimate relationship with the Creator of the universe! This relationship begins immediately upon our redemption and continues to strengthen into eternity. Enjoy this blessing. It is what we were created for!


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