Mia wanted to pretend like we were at Picture People! Life with our eldest daughter is quite interesting. The girl never stops and she is still wound up by bedtime. The other two fall asleep right away and Mia usually stays awake for another hour. I tease her and tell her that she is just like the mouse in the book If You Give a Mouse a Cookie.
A couple of days ago, Mia learned about the popcorn button on the microwave. She thought it was so neat. Then yesterday, as we were finishing lunch, she wanted a cookie from the freezer. I gave it to her and then she asked, " Does the microwave have a cookie button?" We just laughed and laughed!
Most people don't freeze their cookies.
Frozen cookies? Do your teeth rattle when you bite into the chocolate chips?
Hey, we keep our cookies in the freezer too. So far, we've not broken any teeth.
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